TicTacToe Example

This example was written with TypeScript and JSX, which needs to be compiled with the Typscript Compiler or Babel. See using JSX.

Source Code
import * as DeStagnate from "../../.."
import {type Ref, StateContainer} from "../../.."

let currentPlayer: "x" | "o" = "x"

class SquareState extends StateContainer<"" | "x" | "o", HTMLDivElement | null> {
    constructor() {

    public updateDOM(squareRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>) {
        squareRef.current.innerText = this.value

const squares = [
    [new SquareState(), new SquareState(), new SquareState()],
    [new SquareState(), new SquareState(), new SquareState()],
    [new SquareState(), new SquareState(), new SquareState()],

const checkForWinner = (): "" | "x" | "o" => {
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        const rows = [0, 1, 2].map((val) => squares[i][val].value)

        const columns = [0, 1, 2].map((val) => squares[val][i].value)

        if (rows[0] === rows[1] && rows[1] === rows[2] && rows[0]) {
            return rows[0]
        } else if (columns[0] === columns[1] && columns[1] === columns[2] && columns[0]) {
            return columns[0]

    const diagonals = [
        [squares[0][0].value, squares[1][1].value, squares[2][2].value],
        [squares[0][2].value, squares[1][1].value, squares[2][0].value],

    for (const diagonal of diagonals) {
        if (diagonal[0] === diagonal[1] && diagonal[1] === diagonal[2] && diagonal[0]) {
            return diagonal[0]

    return ""

const tictactoeParent = document.getElementById("nested")
const resetBtn = document.getElementById("nested-reset-btn")

        {squares.map((row) => (
            <div class="row">
                {row.map((square) => (
                        onClick={() => {
                            // Check if square isn't already clicked
                            if (square.value === "") {
                                square.value = currentPlayer

                            // Change current player
                            currentPlayer = currentPlayer === "x" ? "o" : "x"

                            if (checkForWinner()) {
                                alert(`Player ${checkForWinner()} has won the game!`)
                        <div class="tictactoe-square" ref={square.ref}>

resetBtn?.addEventListener("click", () => {
    for (const row of squares) {
        for (const square of row) {